The Holidays have always been associated with giving. In keeping with the focus of this blog (Best Business Practices), I can assure you that giving is definitely a best business practice. Read more about the business benefits of giving. Read More
How do you know how much to charge for a job? Find your price range and make sure you get every job offered. Read More
Step by Step instruction on how to get start using Twitter, the instructions are just the beginning steps after you've created a Twitter account. Read More
What makes you pull a book off the shelf and look inside? Whether we like it or not, a book is judged by its cover.Can you get by with an attractive cover and let the content stand on its own? Does your long-form content deserve special consideration on the design front? Read More
Bloggers like to think that they are a completely different species of journalists. After all, very few bloggers had to earn or even apply for their positions. This means that they also tend to shy away from the use of traditional journalism techniques. Writing styles vary from blog to blog and even... Read More
Twitter Hashtags are a great way for a small business to follow and great brand recognition using your own hashtag. As an example #Starbucks, #Zappos and/or you can use initials such as #XBM which stands for Extreme Business Makeover. Just to give you a few ideas! Read More
Small business branding is a foreign term for small business owners. Many of these entrepreneurs believe that branding is for major corporations. But is it true? Read More
Step by step instructions on how to set up your Twitter Account. How to change your Password, how to change your Twitter Background and many of the basic features of Twitter. Read More
LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to spread the word about your online businesses. The features on LinkedIn are way better than the ones on Facebook and Twitter only if you know how to use them the right way. Read More
Seesmic, Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and are just a few of the tools that can be used. Using these integration tools helps to automate some of your posts to the different social media networks. Read More

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