Its a common practice to forget updating the Title tag for images as we are much focused towards our Content. SEO Friendly Images provides a very simple way to auto update the tags for the Images. It does so based on the Image File name and the Post Title. Read More
If you've been hoping a giant like Google, Microsoft, Facebook or Cisco will scoop up your company, here are some tips: Don't e-mail Steve Ballmer directly... Read More
QR codes may sound like something you might come across in an Ian Fleming novel or find discussed at the latest tech trend conference, but over the last few Read More
The type of font you choose to represent your business can make a powerful impression. There are millions of fonts available for Word processing software, and probably a few more across the world wide web. Normally, I advise in branding your business, that you choose just one company font, for Read More
"The love of money is the root of all evil,” said Paul in a letter to Timothy.
Many people love business and many business people love money (though not necessarily in the biblical sense). Business is about money and gain. If you went into business for any other reason than making money, then you Read More
Face it… look in the mirror: Do you see Steve Jobs looking back?! NO?! So get over it! Apple is a religion, Starbucks is a religion, Coke is a… follow me?! They have followers, disciples and BELIEVERS! They started something great, but it wasn’t always a “religion”. They had to build it and it too Read More
If your business is online, get yourself a blog. Most business owners have nightmares at the thoughts of maintaining a blog. It?s a business necessity these days, so it?s time to accept it. Hey, you might even learn to enjoy it. Read More
I’m always looking for evidence of early startup characteristics that might be predictors of long-term success. Every investor has his own list, usually based on his own very small sample, or simply his gut feeling. Of course, we would all like to have a magic list based on more definitive tracking Read More
You shouldn’t spend money on advertising to new people if your current visitors aren’t converting.

Let me repeat that: You shouldn’t spend money on advertising to new people if your current visitors aren’t converting.

Let is sink in. Read More
In an age where content is king, everyone should strive to improve their inner editor, or hire someone who is skilled in this area. Here are 3 powerful reasons why. Read More

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