Highly advanced training for managers: The three laws of logic

Have you heard about the three laws of logic?

Thinking logically requires that you know all three.

The law of:
Excluded middle
Non contradiction

What do they each mean in practice? Let’s have a look...... Read More
There are many way to Optimizing Adsense and increase google adsense CPM in Blog. There are lots of chances of getting good CPM, if you have added the adsense ads between articles or posts, but today we brought to you all new tips about google adsense. Read More
A graduate of Inc. & MIT’s “Birthing of Giants” Entrepreneurial Program, Mike Michalowicz received Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards multiple times. He is a recurring guest on CNBC’s The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, has been featured on National Public Radio (NPR), and in the New York Times, Sm Read More
We are All Born Entrepreneurs book - I got the chance to interview the author, Steve Welch about the book and his discoveries about entrepreneurs. Read More
Consumer Watchdog's final/complete version of their new "Don't Be Evil?" video, with over 234,192 views, is finally getting attention from concerned citizens. It's about time somebody addresses the gathering, tracking and storage of personal information issue! Read More
Many potential buyers of small business dream of one day owning a business where they can hire people to do all the hard work and they can sit back, relax and collect money. In this post we aim to identify common myths about owning a small business along with the truth the owners can expect to face Read More
It goes without saying that before entering into the business industry, the biggest challenge that would-be entrepreneurs face is funding. Between investing in our own business and asking for loan from investors and government agencies such as the SBA, the most common choice is the latter. Read More
Operating a small business is not as easy as it may seem. True, there are fewer responsibilities when compared to the bigwigs in the industry but it is challenging just the same. Read More
Words have meaning.

What you say is rooted in what you think about. What you think in your head... slips past your lips.

Maybe not today or tomorrow. Maybe not even for the next decade or two.

But it's inevitable.
Head mojo turns into lip activity.
If you find yourself saying... Read More

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