Starting out online is not a lengthy process like the off line counterparts. You can start a brand new online business in just 30 minutes - and faster for your second, third, and so on. Here's how Read More
Onsite targeting is important, but make sure to investigate which method works best for your business. It is easy to overbuy because of the bells and whistles. But, don’t lose focus of the marketing goals and the audience’s needs Read More
Social Media Marketing can be hugely beneficial for reaching customers and prospects, building relationships, and driving sales. It takes discipline to achieve success Read More
Are you operating a business that just satisfies the customers? Are you okay with being labeled as an average business? Well, I hope not! The difficult part in all of this is when someone doesn’t know that their business is just average. A lot of times a business can revert to just doing what others do because it’s simple to just operate business at the level of competition, but what usually happens next is the famous price war. Since nobody can come up with something new and unique to give the customers more value, the thought is I’ll just keep my prices lower than others. If a business is running on this strategy then a serious wake-up call is needed! Here are few things to help you start doing business better than your competitors Read More
Okay, let me start by saying right up front, I don’t know if this shows to you what I think it shows to me. And that is that when reviews are published online in Google Maps and are available to be seen by one and all, that they are actually “true”, credible and rightous. Or are they? You tell me…and here’s the points to ponder on this for all us Canuck SMBs, eh! And a big “tip-O-the-hat” to Miriam for the finding and blogging on this late last week that got me thinking about our canuck google maps and what I’d find too, eh Read More
One of the primary themes I discovered and then wrote about in The Referral Engine was the fact that widely referred businesses are very good at fusing online and offline in a high tech, high touch sort of way Read More
My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr Read More
There are right reasons and wrong reasons for choosing a keyword. This article will shed some light on the issue. Enjoy Read More
Why do some people opt for self-employment while others seem content to work for someone else? Are people more likely to become entrepreneurs if they grow up in certain kinds of communities? Is entrepreneurship a trait like brown eyes that is passed down genetically through DNA? A new study just released last week reveals some fascinating information Read More
How serial entrepreneur Brant Bukowsky created three companies that ended up on Inc.'s Fastest Growing Private Company list. Includes advice on being a serial entrepreneur and more. Read More

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