Quality and affordable Social Media marketing and web design for small businesses. Grow your business by developing an online presence. Utilize Social Media sites to brand your business and to increase sales and revenue Read More
What is best way to price consulting services? Here are effective guidelines to maximize results and avoid common pitfall. Despite I mainly focus Business Intelligence consulting, this guidelines are applicable to most IT consulting and software development activity Read More
Senate Democratic leaders are pressing ahead with plans for floor action on the final version of legislation to overhaul the financial services industry, despite a likely Republican filibuster and Monday's death of West Virginia Democrat Robert C. Byrd. Read More
The new financial regulation bill may further reduce lending to small businesses, who will need alternative sources of capital to grow Read More
Affiliate marketing can be considered one of the hardest concepts to get a grasp of and make lucrative, but at the same time, with the right resources and a helping hand, it can be one of the easiest Read More
The tides in the marketing arena have shifted and most marketers and business owners now see the value of SEO. Search engine optimization encompasses so much and there is a lot to be done to build a thriving web presence. But of all the tasks an online marketer does, which ones are most important and have the most value Read More
Now you’ve got your company Facebook page, Twitter account, and whatever else, but you no longer really maintain it for any number of reasons. And now, months down the road, any potential and current customers you could have engaged are now engaging with your competitors. And just like that, free just doesn’t seem so free -- actually, you’ve paid a very steep price Read More
If you are still in a good job that pays you well - regardless your passion for entrepreneurship - I suggest you not to quit your job just yet Read More
Smarter faster cheaper video tools for your business including cameras, editing software, hosting and more. Smarter, faster, cheaper as opposed to dumber, slower, expensive. Read More
Socialoomph is a great little tool to help you save and schedule Tweets. It’s a great tool to drive targeted traffic to your website. Here is a video to show you how to use Socialoomph to help you out. Read More

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