The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is one of the primary drivers for RFID technology adoption. There are numerous RFPs issued for RFID solutions to address a myriad of applications across the DOD and wider government market. The general purpose of most RFPs focuses on ensuring that the resulting RFID solutions worked. That is simply no longer en Read More
This whitepaper covers how PCI compliance not only protects businesses and merchants from cardholder fraud, but also satisfies a broader mandate for information protection and security. Read More
Explaining how to avoid a mental recession and explaining how others succeeded in the great depression. Read More
Descripton of why corporations underperform and how they can improve Read More
A forum summary from experts in web applications on how to build trust by designing your web tools, virtual team communications, and customer relations strategies. A must read for business owners building their presence on the web. Read More
A new virtualization company opens its doors today, and is offering something I haven't seen before in the virtualization world: memory virtualization. Wait a minute! you shout. Memory has been virtualized for a long time. VMware's ESX does it; so does Microsoft's Hyper-V, Citrix' XenServer, Virtual Iron and everyone else. They all pool server Read More
A video has been making the rounds on the web in which hacker Chris Paget equips his car with off-the-shelf RFID gear then drives around downtown San Francisco scanning electronic passport IDs from the air, unbenounced to the passport holders. The practice, known as skimming, has been one of the primary concerns about RFID among privacy advocates. Read More
The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center today warned that anyone looking for a job on-line needs to be particularly vigilant against growing work-at-home scams. The IC3 said it continues to receive numerous complaints from individuals who have fallen victim to the scammers. Read More
It's no secret that Twitter has been getting more and more popular. It's a great tool to stay in touch with friends, family, and complete strangers. It's also an awesome tool to promote your blog. Here are a few tips on how to use Twitter to promote your blog. Read More
Post-click marketing has become a hot issue in online marketing. Here's a bit of the backstory -- and a shameless plug for a book -- of how post-click marketing began. Read More

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