Its easy to get lost in the forest of social networking. Find a hub. I like LinkedIn. Read More
Google Analytics is well know. Website visitor identification web services are less known. Google Ananlytics is for improving your website. Website visitor identification services will help sales and marketing for lead generation and customer retention. Learn about the difference. Read More
Usernames and passwords may be the largest concern of the data breach. Now bank accounts may be the hit after hacking. Read More
It s not yet known if Heartland Payment Systems newly disclosed data breach will count as the largest card heist ever. But some analysts say what is clear is that the Payment Card Industry data security standard that Visa and MasterCard require isn t sufficient to ensure cardholder data is safeguarded. Read More
On Monday Texas Instruments announced it would reduce its workforce by 3,400 employees through layoffs and voluntary departures. Soon after, rumors emerged that TI's RFID operations were especially hard hit. RFID Update spoke with Texas Instruments communications manager Ellen Zeidler to set the record straight. "TI's message to our RFID custom Read More
One of the biggest mistakes that bloggers make - but still expect reactions and feedback - is to ignore the basic fact that in order to engage their readers, they need to sell their blog posts. No, I'm not talking about literally selling your content on article market websites. I'm talking about selling ideas through your blog posts to your most f Read More
Virtualization emerged as an area of interest in IT earlier this decade and is now unarguably one of the hottest trends in IT at the moment. Prior posts explored the technical details of how processor virtualization and I/O virtualization function. But what are the uses of virtualization that are driving all this attention and interest from IT, ve Read More
IT organizations spend billions annually on compliance-related projects. That includes hardware, software, external consultants and (sometimes) uncounted internal human resources. The underlying question, though, is whether compliance improves the overall level of controls and security within a company. Read More
Opt-in lists are critical but they can be only valuable when you build them internally via your own websites. Ardath Albee has a good post on how you can do this. Also I believe traditional trade magazine subscription lists will be replaced by the new generation online trade communities like or Times of Virtualization. Read More

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