You can't throw in a couple of paragraphs once in a blue moon and expect to instantly become an MS rock star — no matter how great your content is. It just doesn't work that way.... Read More
We are all spacers of time, to some degree. If we were given one hour to do a specific task or job, probability could tell us that we would do that task or job correctly in just fifty-five minutes, with no reduction in quality. If this five-minute savings is true, imagine if you add up those five minutes that you just saved and multiply it by eigh Read More
Three examples of what can be done very effectively by ordinary persons at minimal cost. Read More
You are an example to your children in everything you do. Your example teaches them how to be responsible, how to treat others, and how to eat and exercise. What are you teaching them about your work life balance? Read More
Are your time management skills put to the test every morning? Does your early routine cause you and your family stress? Just a few simple steps can help you begin your day in an organized and efficient way! Every good morning begins the night before. Read More
The opportunities to expand in today's global economy often seem daunting. Yet there are basic steps that pertain at every level of expansion and transition. No matter the size of the company you work for, there are times when work expectations might change and opportunities arise. Whether it's a departmental shift, a promotion, a permanent reloca Read More
Having a stack of information piled on a credenza where you see it every day is not the best way to jump into a prioritized, productive daily routine. That pile confronts you several times a day and does create guilt for not getting around to it, even when you are the last person and so have eliminated the time pressure. To keep up... Read More
As people find themselves consumed by the demands of the workplace, it becomes more difficult to block as much time as one would like for outside social activities. One of the results is that the number of romantic relationships among co-workers has been increasing.According to a nationwide survey, office romances increased from 47% in 2 Read More
If you are striving to implement changes that make a difference in the environment, let your customers know about it. For example, especially in areas where air quality is an issue, if you are switching to the Toyota Prius for company vehicles, make a note of that on your website. Many companies have found that this actually is bringing in additio Read More
Few people equate time management skills with computer maintenance. After all, backing up is one more chore on the daily list of things you struggle to get done. It is easy to overlook this and focus on the crisis of the day. However consider some of the statistics assembled by Computer Moms( Read More

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