Time management can be difficult with any job, but especially for those with home offices. If you struggle to get everything done within a limited amount of time without neglecting your family or your home, here are five time management tips for you: Read More
Leadership is HOT right now. We all strive to be better leaders, whether in our work, or in our business. If we are not leading, we are following and most people have negative connotations about being a “follower”. For instance, a manager could be described as a follower, because they just take ord Read More
Would you believe, healthy items on the menu actually make you more likely to order a cheeseburger and fries? When willpower fails... Read More
Have you ever noticed your previous post can give you lots of ideas and tips for your next post, and which can give you better results from your next post. Read More
The best way to get yourself to act on a goal is to have a strong enough desire to push you forward. Read More
Government contracting provides the leg-up small businesses need to meet their bottom line and become sustainable. The 8(a) Business Development program is one of the best tools the government has to ensure that more small disadvantaged businesses can compete and win contracts in federal, state and Read More
Launching your own business and becoming your own boss can be an exhilarating step, and good time management is an important skill for success. Read More
If you think your assignment or project will take you a couple of days, before accepting the project make sure to set expectations. You need to inform your client that it will take you how man days to complete the assignment. Read More
Taking a job that pays the bills is practical, but being underemployed can wreak havoc on your motivation. Consider these tips to stay positive. Read More
It’s easy to feel busy and overwhelmed when you have a baby to take care of. However, if you look at your daily life more closely, you’ll spot the everyday time pockets which can be taken advantage of. Read More

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