When it's time to scale up and freelance talent is scarce, navigating job boards and local classified ads can be a major headache. Successful startups are turning to services like Upwork Pro to create talent pipelines of top-quality freelancers hand-picked and pre-vetted talent. Read More
As consumers, we’ve become increasingly familiar with the notion of paying a monthly fee for various business and lifestyle services. Whereas we once rented movies by the title by driving to Blockbuster, we now have access to virtually unlimited content on Netflix. Even morning rituals as basic as Read More
MVP minimum viable product has become a cornerstone of modern small business and startup development. This article covers all the basics that every entrepreneur should know. Read More
Will a mobile app or a web app suit your new business better? Here's how to choose between a mobile app and a web app for your startup. Read More
A good bookkeeper can be hard to come by. And that’s a problem that one entrepreneur learned throughout the course of his career, leading to him starting his own bookkeeping brand — Legacy Advantage. Read more about the company and what sets it apart. Read More
Why do some people you know at work consistently get things done, while others never seem to finish anything? It’s certainly not all about intelligence, skills, and training. Some of the best-prepared people I know are the least productive, and they are quick to offer the excuse that they are idea Read More
Not everyone is made to be an entrepreneur. It takes special qualities to be one. Look for these signs to find out if you are one of them. Read More
Are you worried you might fail after trying to start an online business?

Are you concerned that you might be embarrassed in front of your colleagues? Your friends? Your family?

You’re not alone.

It’s that fear of failure, in fact, which stops so many would-be solopreneurs dead in their tra Read More
Setting up a company is one of the most exciting and also one of the most overwhelming things that we can do. Anyone that has set up a company, from scratch, will know that there is a huge amount to be learned and a lot of potential pitfalls that can create problems along the way. So with that in m Read More
Your executive summary is the doorway to your business plan—after looking it over, your prospective investor is either going to throw your business plan away, or keep reading. Here's how to write an executive summary that sets your business plan apart. Read More

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