Every new business or product owner wants to attract the broadest possible audience, so they are prone to adding more features, multiple sales channels, and appealing to every demographic. Unfortunately, often the result is potential customers who are confused, the limited resources of your busines Read More
Home improvement is a lucrative business with large market. Here are 5 home improvement franchises you should consider if you are looking to get into this business. Read More
Based on my years of experience as a new business advisor, I always find leadership to be more important to business success than any new technology or innovative solution. The challenge is to adequately define leadership in terms of everyday activities. Most entrepreneurs believe they are leaders, Read More
o be successful as an entrepreneur, you don’t have to be a fabulous person, but it helps. Some people, and some entrepreneurs, have that something extra that you can’t quite put your finger on, like Ryan Seacrest is searching for on American Idol. But the entrepreneurs that have it, including Elon Read More
The simple truth is if you’re an early stage entrepreneur (or work with one) you have a better chance of failing than succeeding. Luckily, the plethora of books and articles like this one offer entrepreneurs the chance to learn from other’s mistakes. The five stories below offer tactics that you ca Read More
The tech startup industry is booming; with more and more startups being created daily by wannabe entrepreneurs and unicorn creators, the need for having your employees surrounding you in an office is getting old-fashioned. Read More
It’s a great time to be a female entrepreneur. There are plenty of trailblazers making their mark on a variety of different industries. If you’re looking for some inspiration or any female entrepreneurs to look up to, take a look at these successful women entrepreneurs. Read More
Start a new business, especially restaurant, can be unnerving for first timers. Use this mini guide to help you navigate through the entire process. Read More
As a new business advisor, I am no longer surprised that every new entrepreneur believes the hard part is creating the first product and the business. Perhaps luckily, they have no idea that scaling the business and maintaining vitality as a mature business is even harder. What most often kills a c Read More
Take a gander at our favourite hand-curated posts from Quuu this week to help you breeze through these 7 must-dos for launching a startup: Read More

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