If you want your startup business to succeed, it is vital to cater to millennials, now the largest generation in the American workforce, according to Pew Research Center. Professionals born between 1980 and 1996 crave engagement at their jobs, and if they aren’t satisfied, they’ll leave, 2016 Gallu Read More
It’s an “aha” moment. Out of a “daydream” or a conversation has come an idea for the perfect app. You just know it’s a “winner.” Now to get it developed and to market! “Whoa, partner,” as John Wayne said in many a movie. Read More
Let’s have a quick overview on what to a startup business owner can expect in 2017. According to Forbes, the US economy will “enjoy a mild cyclical rebound” next year before returning to a lower growth rate through 2018.After the doing the groundwork for your business, what’s next for you? Is it ti Read More
Entrepreneurship can start early. There are plenty of opportunities for kids to start their very own businesses at a young age. In some cases, they might need adult help or supervision. But here are 50 different business ideas for kids that might appeal to young entrepreneurs. Read More
Fundraising is tough and is likely something founders will need to do several times as their company grows.

The odds of raising capital are small, however. If you’re in that lucky group of founders who successfully closed a round of funding, over time, your chances of having continued success at Read More
Every entrepreneur I know feels the pressure of the thousands of things that need to get done, all seemingly at the same time. There is just not enough time! The real solution is better productivity and less procrastination, to put you back in control of your business. You need to spend more time e Read More
This study, conducted through ConversionXL Institute, is the first of a multi-part pricing page study providing data on how people consume pricing plans depending on the plan’s layout design. Read More
During Web Summit 2016 held in Lisbon, António Costa, the Portuguese Prime Minister, revealed the plans to invest into Portugal-based companies.

The government allocated 200 million euros to encourage private investors from all over the world to co-invest into the Portuguese ecosystem. By doing Read More
As a business advisor and advocate for entrepreneurs, I find myself almost always talking and writing about change. Yet there are many things about business and work that haven’t changed for a long time, and don’t need to change anytime soon. I’m always surprised when someone doesn’t seem to grasp Read More
Content marketing has become the lifeblood of online marketing. For the third year in a row, it has been voted the most commercially important digital marketing trend over at Smart Insights, with twice as many votes as big data or marketing automation. Read More

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