Running a startup just got easier. That is if you can make it into a good startup accelerator. There you may be able to access resources and experts that can make the growth process easier. Be sure to understand the difference between an accelerator and an incubator and why investors prefer the acc Read More
You don’t have to choose between traveling regularly and running a successful business. There are plenty of different businesses that you can run while traveling. And there are even some that require you to do a fair amount of traveling. So if you want to start a business that supports your love of Read More
A look at 5 innovative tech companies partnering with Olympic athletes to bring them the next level of training. From futuristic headsets that use electrical pulses to boost performance during training to a video app that lets users record their sessions and review them like a coach would. Read More
How do you know if your business idea is a good one? Is it worth pursuing now, or does it need to be refined and improved—or maybe forgotten about entirely? Here's how to find out. Read More
There are many factors that contribute to the success of a retail store. In this blog installment I’ll be discussing specific marketing strategies and tactics that could be employed to help build awareness, increase foot traffic and/or repeat business. For the purpose of staying focused, we’re goin Read More
Subscription service businesses are growing in popularity, and it seems like every industry imaginable is getting in on the subscription business model. Get inspired by these great subscription services, and maybe consider starting one of your own! Read More
While some businesses may come and go with tastes an fashions, the tattoo industry has proved utterly resilient for centuries. At the same time with celebrity tattoo artists hosting their own reality shows and the mainstreaming of the industry, if anything the tattooing is seeing a new rejuvenation Read More
What do all the most successful people tend to have in common? It’s a question that is seen as holding the answer to getting ahead in your professional life. If it works for them, it’ll work for me!
Of course experience counts, and in certain, increasingly complex industries, relevant hard skills Read More
I’m not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way, owning a business has become part of the American Dream. In fact, MarketWatch suggests:
Some 39 percent of employees hope to own their own business;
More than 50 percentof workers in their 20s who don’t own a business hope to do so in th Read More
Entrepreneurship is not a job description. It is a lifestyle full of sacrifices with missed birthdays and other important dates from friends and family. Some of the most notable sacrifices are around stability, work/life balance, income, sleep, and comfort. Read More

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