How Much Will Your Baby Cost in the First Year : Did you know that a baby could cost as much as £7,200 or as little as £1,600 in their first year alone? Having a baby is one of life's greatest joys. Here's what to expect from the first year. Read More
Women make great impacts in business. This holds true in social entrepreneurship sector. One of the change makers is Headbands of Hope, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to have a Q&A session with the Founder and CEO, Jessica Ekstrom. Read More
Within our daily lives and routines, logos are everywhere. When we order food, going shopping, buy products, use products, watch T.V and so on. We rarely give them a second glance, though. Read More
Resources in startups are scarce, and deciding which marketing initiatives to pursue can be tricky. Read about a framework that can help any entrepreneur compare which marketing programs will bring the highest ROI for your company.
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My first experience with a blog was back in 2005. A friend of mine told me that I needed to check out this celebrity gossip blog called, Pink is the New Blog. After reading a few posts, I was hooked. Not only did I enjoy the daily gossip, but I loved the casual and personal nature of his writing. R Read More
Whether you are trying to motivate your team, close a deal with a customer, or get funding from an investor, a casual conversation is usually a waste of your valuable time. These result is a founder who is always “too busy,” but never seems to get the business done and the team moving. All real bus Read More
Somewhere between marketing, copywriting and computer programing, Growth hackers slowly became the key figures of successful start-ups. What are the qualities needed to become a good growth hacker? Here are few answers designed by 24 Motion design. Read More
If you can’t solve problems and enjoy it, you won’t make it as an entrepreneur. By definition, an entrepreneur is the first to undertake a given business, and firsts never happen without problems and people frustrations. The toughest problems are people problems, like personnel issues, but there ar Read More
Startups are by far one of the most important assets to our economic future. Startups help bring innovation and fresh ideas to industries, along with creating jobs and boosting local economy. surepayroll has created an infographic entitled “Startups by the Numbers: Growing Innovation One Small Busi Read More
If you share these characteristics, you're probably an me! It's fun to look at the qualities that make us who we are, isn't it? Read More

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