Data and research outsourcing is a trend nowadays. But before you jump into the bandwagon, here are some FAQs which can guide you in understanding what it is all about. Read More
With the ability to be used during those workday breaks, the goal behind YogaMe is to reduce sick leaves and improve occupational well-being. The health and fitness market can be competitive, so does YogaMe have what it takes? Read More
Some people think working from home is a glamorous gig, and it can be. It’s challenging, too, which is why some self-discipline is in order. Here are my top six tips to for making sure your “work-from-home” experience is as productive – and enjoyable – as possible. Read More
Today, efficiency and speed of a web hosting largely determine the performance of a site, and a site owner is highly concerned about their website’s accessibility. In this, Bluehost is a successful host provider of high standards because it offers the best combination of speed, reliability & price. Read More
Naming a new startup business or a new product is not easy. It takes time.Here’s a quick list of Do’s and Don’ts to help you select a great name that you can be proud of! Read More
According to Wikipedia, synergy is defined as “two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable alone”. It comes from the Greek word synergia, which means “working together”.

There are only so many hours in a day, and only so far you can take your business Read More
Many people are surprised at my low tech way of managing clients. However, it’s a simple solution that keeps things easy and manageable as a freelance writer. Read More
Do a pic list of the drinks you’ll need. Now is the time to use your hand truck and you’ll want to load them in order from back to front or first in last out. Read More
This guide is for absolute Beginners who have just made the decision to start a blog and need some step by step guide on how to start a blog and setup WordPress. I wanted it to be a thorough and helpful resource for newbies who struggle where to begin and proceed the steps. Read More
It’s safe to say that every business needs a website today, but there is no sense in wasting that golden opportunity to expand your reach. Learn how to turn your website into a high converting business tool. Read More

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