Here are some excellent tips for becomSo you want to start your own business? You're not alone. Nearly half of all Americans say they want to become entrepreneurs. Running a small business isn't without its challenges, but being your own boss and doing what you love can be incredibly rewarding. If Read More
For many business owners, December means employee gifts, holiday promotions and planning for the new year. It also means it's time to review business tax plans, which can often be an expensive process. When federal, state and investment income taxes are taken into account, tax attorneys estimate th Read More
There are several hidden costs of cloud computing like the cost of the cloud bandwidth charges. Learn how to monitor, control and cut cloud computing costs. Read More
Are you running a business then Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do. The pitfalls mentioned in this video might help you avoid these mistakes. Instill these advice's in your team and daily processes and see the results. Read More
We’ve launched Secrets of Success, a new weekly interview series here at’s Small Business Forum. I’ve asked some of the smartest, most innovative, most Read More
If you have similar challenges buying jewelry, read on. Two fashion-forward sisters launched a website to help shoppers select the perfect gift for the pickiest person. (not .com) based in Chicago, created a ‘gifting engine’ that allows shoppers to describe the person they want to buy a Read More
Digital whiz Jesse Aaron takes us through various ways to grow your startup smartly and at the same time avoid many of the pitfalls that trouble young businesses. Read More
Every entrepreneur seeking funding loves the challenge of getting customers and investors excited, but dreads the thought of negotiating the terms of a deal with potential investors. They are naturally reluctant to step out of the friendly and familiar business territory into the unfamiliar battlef Read More
Is it possible to build a successful business if you are not exactly in love with what you are doing? Can you push through even if you are not burning with passion about either the idea or the industry? I know a lot of people may argue with me on this one, but the answer is, yes. Read More
Raising your rates isn’t always easy. I find that asking for more money is one of the hardest things I do as a freelancer. Here are 5 tips that might make it easier for you to increase your freelance rates: Read More

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