Quick question: Would you like an all-expense paid trip to a vacation destination as part of your job? Read More
If you can’t deal with failure, then the entrepreneur lifestyle is not for you. Don’t believe that urban myth that all you need is a good idea, a little fun work, and the money will start rolling in. When you are pushing the limits, nobody gets it right the first time, or even maybe the tenth time. Read More
We've all been there: nothing in your business seems to be going right, no matter what you do. However, without the lows, the highs wouldn't seem so rewarding. We asked 11 entrepreneurs to share those unforgettable moments that remind them why starting a business was worth it in the first place. Read More
But passion alone is not enough to succeed at entrepreneurship. In fact, an overwhelming majority of passion-based businesses fail within their first year . . . this is despite having a passionate and persistent entrepreneur behind them. Read More
There are several free blogging platforms, but only two of them have become quite popular. Yes, they are WordPress and Blogger. Both of them are facing huge competition. Read More
In this blog post, I will share 5 infographics on startup which can help guiding you to start right and grow right in your pursuit for success. Read More
When a woman starts her own business, people always have this ideal picture of her – her being her own boss and answering only to herself, doing what she wants, whenever she wants to, and having a steady flow of income coming in.

But people in the know are aware that this is not how it's actual Read More
Entrepreneurs talk about the bottom line all the time, and it’s almost always in reference to net cash. Success = money, “take home” money. Spending money. Right? Wrong.

For Dick the bottom line is the joy he and Rick feel when racing together. You see after their first five-mile race, a charity Read More
I have been thinking about ordering some swag for my company to give away; specifically, a golf umbrella, because it’s big, fits my family of four under it, and, for me anyway, is just one of those things that are good to have around.
Read More
While you might imagine the typical entrepreneur is someone with a passion for starting a pie shop, or someone who’s known since high school that they wanted to be a tech entrepreneur, the reality is much different. Read More

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