If your startup is looking for an angel investor, it makes sense to present your plan to flocks of angels, and assume that at least one will swoop down and scoop you up. Or does it? Actually numbers and locations are just the beginning. The challenge is to find the right angel for you, and for your Read More
Want dedicated developers for hire? Here are the top skills that you should look for in dedicated developers when hiring for your project. Read More
In growing your business, how you communicate under pressure can make or break your progress, as well as your relationship with the team and outside constituents. In my experience as a mentor and consultant, it is not just the words, but also your tone, approach, body language, and the context in w Read More
Customer engagement in ecommerce is described as the emotional bond that exists between a customer and a brand. Let us go over the many tactics for increasing client interaction. Read More
Many startup founders I know avoid establishing a formal advisory board or board of directors for as long as possible, with the excuse that this is just another burden, or it has more risk than value to the founder. In my experience, just the opposite is true, since outside experts with the right e Read More
We have mentioned the top 25 IT companies in India that offer the best software development services to all industry verticals. Read now. Read More
True business success and leadership starts with real personal values, extends to building a team, and finally to inspiring customers and your community. That’s a huge leap from an entrepreneurial idea, to a product, to making money. Is it any wonder that the majority of startups fail? My job as a Read More
Businesses often require React Native app development services for several reasons. Here we discuss the services that such companies provide. Read More
Every entrepreneur I know finds it a challenge to balance the joys of entrepreneurship against a set of frustrations they never anticipated. Of course, most of you expect that raising money will be difficult, as well as staving off competitors, and handling that occasional toxic customer. What you Read More
Everybody wants to have some rest, especially when it is time to go to retirement. We all know that having a business of any type is rather stressful and takes a lot of nerves and effort. When you go to retirement you have already enough money on your bank account and don’t need to worry about them Read More

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