Just as we all love having a winning sports team in our town, entrepreneurs also desire to build a winning business. When it comes to your own small business, several questions remain to be answered to verify you are on track. Read More
Once you are able to achieve some real “traction” with your business (paying customers, revenue stream), it may seem the time to relax a bit, but in fact this is the point where many founders start to flounder. All the skills and instincts you needed to get to this level can actually start working Read More
Good developers are integral to growing most online businesses. To break ground or integrate systems you need to get someone on board who really knows their stuff, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Read More
I have found 10x more value from mentors who tell me what I don’t to hear rather than cheering for me when I do well. Here's my recent story about how I found out what my target market really wants by blogging. Read More
Restaurants are one of the most popular businesses for entrepreneurs to venture in- and as most of us notice, for every one that opens in your neighborhood, it seems like another one's folding.

But it's almost never the food that does them in.

Our latest guest contributor explains why failur Read More
First off…no Snappay my own top ten finalist mobile app did not win, but then again, we did!

Lion’s Lair as all our regular readers know, is Hamilton’s answer to the CBC Dragon’s Den TV show – and we offer up a similar contest right here in #HamOnt for our own local startups to come and pitch t Read More
When you hear the word “entrepreneur,” what image does your mind conjure up? A young, ambitious techie like Mark Zuckerberg? A seasoned vet like Steve Jobs? How about this, did you think of an ambitious young woman? Read More
Sometimes being a control freak leads to poor decision making or missed business opportunities. This can often be the case when it comes to creating company brand identity. Read More
Business incubators for sharing services were all the rage back in the days of the dot-com bubble (700 for profit, many more non-profit). About that time the bubble burst, causing more than 80% of them to disappear. Now they are coming back, and the best even provide networking, technical leadershi Read More
We asked Aydin Mirzaee, CEO of FluidSurveys, a few questions about his company and view of the markets they serve. Read More

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