If you want to make a great first impression on a startup investor or an advisor like me, don’t try to convince me or show me how busy you are. For some reason, too many aspiring entrepreneurs I know seem to focus on “actions” rather than “results.” Based on my experience, survival and success are Read More
There are two paths for a startup, success or failure. Learn how to overcome obstacles all startups face to ensure exponential business growth. Read More
Most entrepreneurs who start a company alone soon come to the conclusion that two heads are better than one – someone to share the workload, the hard decisions, costs, and tasks you don’t like. In a moment of crisis, you may be tempted to take on the first person expressing interest as a co-founder Read More
If you are a student, you are probably wondering how students can open their first businesses while they are in college. Here are some tips for you. Read More
If you are looking forward to taking part in online tutoring for 2022, you need to have a strong understanding of what to expect for the year. Read More
The process of developing an enterprise app is different from that of other apps. Read our blog to combat the challenges faced during enterprise app development. Read More
As an entrepreneur advisor, I am surprised at how often I hear the same or very similar proposals of an incremental innovation to an existing process, versus a really new or breakthrough solution. If you are seriously looking to start the next billion-dollar startup, you need to get beyond the real Read More
According to most authoritative sources, the global economy has been severely impacted by the current pandemic. Yet if you wait for an economy bubble before starting your new business, you will be making a comparable mistake to the people who thought during the dot-com bubble "all I have to do is a Read More
Startup investors tell me they invest in a new venture with a higher caliber of people, rather than the product or service, and I agree. In my role as a business advisor, I see successful businesses most often emerging from great teams rather than great products. Yet I find the people building team Read More
Living the dream of owning a startup comes up with many peaks and valleys to be crossed to reach the final destination. These are indeed the part and parcel of an entrepreneurship life, every aspiring business owners have to go through the process. But you know there is someone who can help these s Read More

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