Since the days of Henry Ford, mass production has been the Holy Grail of business, rather than build-to-order. Too many businesses haven’t noticed that we have come full-circle, where mass customization is required now to win. Customers have come to expect immediate and tailor-made responses to the Read More
You don’t always need specific knowledge to be successful with a business, but it can smooth the way. If you are expert in an area, there are ways to build a business around what you know. Read More
The author hones in on the common factor with all entrepreneurs - the refusal to see any challenge, whether overcome or not, as failure. For successful entrepreneurs, failure is not an option. Read More
I had been nursing an entrepreneurial itch for a while but while pregnant with my second child, this passion went to a feverish pitch. Maybe it was all the raging hormones. I poured my heart and soul into this venture, an online children’s bookstore. Read More
This is a guest post by Olawale Daniel. Getting traffic is one of the greatest challenges of many bloggers and online business owners as far as getting visitors is concern. The reason is,it looks somehow complex in many cases but when we look it at different angle; we’ll understand that it is very Read More
Stephen Key, author of One Simple Idea, goes over his thoughts on 3 Steps For Ideas for Products. Check out more here. Read More
If you are a small business, solopreneur, or work from your home, chances are you're using the cloud. Software in the cloud is extremely affordable letting companies save thousands of dollars on previous costs. Doing business online has changed the competitive world, leveling the playing field. Read More
Participate in The Second-Annual Solopreneur Life End-of-Year Survey. The results of this anonymous survey will advance our knowledge of the current state of solopreneurship. Read More
We all know that every startup is risky. No risk means no reward. Yet every investor has his own “rules of thumb” on what makes a specific startup too high a risk for his investment taste. You need to know these guidelines to set your expectations on funding. Read More
Stephen Key, author of One Simple Idea, goes over his thoughts on What Is A Provisional Patent - Protecting Your Idea. Check out more here.

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