SaleNexus, a web-based contact management software refer to themselves as a web Contact Manager, but we feel they blur the lines between a CRM and contact management.This solution could empower our sales team with the latest features that helped them easily manage our clients and leads. Read More
If you struggle with tracking your time on client or company projects, you might want to check out Toggl for time tracking.  It is a web-based time-tracking Read More
With just hours to go before the home renovation tax credit (HRTC) expires, you still have time to rush out and purchase those supplies before the Jan. 31 midnight deadline. Here are some last-minute tips and tricks Read More
This week, the SEC adopted new rules specifically designed to make money market funds more resistant to the ups and downs of the financial market. From now on, these investments will be made more liquid. Read More
Some time ago I heard that I should improve my English skills; that I should learn how to write English… as well as if I’m Polish, then I should write Polish. No f*in’ way! Read More
Keep yourself abreast with the recent happenings in SEO field and get idea about the recent trends and upcoming changes. Read More
Will we look back on this past decade as the one in which new technology forever changed the art of conversation? One example is provided by a recent conversation that I had with my daughter,... Read More
How to use your Facebook efficiently on iPhone? Facebook getting more access to technology and uploading their pictures on the website straight from their iphone cameras is not the end. Here is more...
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Rapid Addition, a leading FIX engine software provider, has today announced the successful addition of IBM’s Low Latency Messaging (LLM) technology to its growing list of supported message transport protocols. This further extends the options available to clients for integration with RA-Cheetah, Rapid Addition’s ultra-low latency FIX engine, and its FIX Adapted for Streaming (FAST) data compressi Read More
YouTube carried the HopeforHaitiNow show live a few days ago and today the CitizenTube will carry the State of the Union address from 9 p.m January 27th 2010. You can submit questions for the President who will answer them in a live YouTube Interview next week. Read More

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