On Wednesday, January 20th, the New York Times announced that it will start charging frequent readers to their site. Read More
A report from BusinessWeek now says the recession could last at least through 2010 and while certainly that's not great news for job seekers or those trying to hang on to their position in a rough economy, could it be a good thing for your business? The report, explains how recession, while tough on all business in general, can help businesses revisit everything they do, make innovative improveme Read More
Here are 10 "awesome" technology tips for small business growth from SCORE via smallbiztechnology.com. The tips are pretty general but it's easy to see how they can be put into practice with various specific tools. The suggestions are less step by step instructions than important tips that will help you get into the right mindset when considering how to move forward with plans to use technology i Read More
Beyond building the basic web site there are the five key components of an e-commerce site which include the secure certificate or SSL certificate. Read More
Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer is the first astronaut to make use of this new system. He sent out his first tweet unassisted on Friday from the space station. Read More
Search engine optimization has changed a lot through the recent years. With the rapidly changing search engine algorithms and fluctuating market conditions, lots of old SEO strategies have degraded in effectiveness while giving birth to lots of advanced SEO techniques, according to the professionals of SubmitinME.com
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I’m always looking for new programs that provide me better functionality and a better experience overall. If that’s your mission today, then I’ve got quite the round-up for you. A lot of these programs are considered to be classic and not really upcoming and new, but I think this list of must-have software is essential to anybody wanting to get their hands on great, quality programs. Read More
Tens of millions" of capsule computers leave body keen impact 2010, according to technology analysts at Deloitte.

The keyboard further mouse-free devices are scheduled to factor a kickoff trend among consumers, they anticipate.

Deloitte's forewarning fuels rumours that cosmos is concede to unveil a tablet-style computer at a charge case firm is hosting on 27 January. Read More
Did you know that there are 4 readily available processes that when used in conjunction with one another can potentially reduce your IT Project spend by up to 50% without reducing the quality of the project?

See what the 4 processes are in the article with a slide deck from Slide Share. Read More
For Akron, Ohio, the transition from Rubber Capital to something else has been gradual. Once a thriving centerpiece of industry in the United States, many rubber companies have moved from the region, though Goodyear remains. The legacy of rubber is still all over the city. Read More

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