The beauty of green IT, is that it is one of the rare instances when you don't have to choose between the bottom line and doing right by the environment. In fact, employing green IT practices can help businesses save thousands of dollars each year. Here are eight ways to get started. Read More
Working from home (or from anywhere else for that matter) can be a dream come true if, like many small business owners, you've opted for a mobile office to save overhead on bricks and mortar. Just make sure that dream doesn't become a nightmare with these simple tips from The post looks at some of the big mistakes workers in a mobile office can make and how you can sidestep or a Read More
In a previous post, we mentioned how a great free tool called Hootsuite can help you manage social media, specifically Twitter with a variety of features including scheduling your tweets. Now we look at a simple overview that will have to scheduling tweets and increasing productivity for your social marketing campaign in minutes...literally! Take a look at the article (with step by step instructi Read More
I recently had the opportunity to start using Hootsuite for small business and was amazed by the speed and functionality of this marvelous tool. Hootsuite allows you to schedule tweets ahead of time and monitor what others are tweeting about you. Check out this comprehensive post at The Central Desktop Blog for more details on how this tool works and how you can use it to improve the productivity Read More
Small business will spend big on technology in 2010 says a report by a major mobile network according to the Website. The company says small business has become convinced of the benefit of technology and is likely to keep up spending and investing in technology despite recession economics. It will be interesting to see what form this spending takes, whether in software packages, gadgets Read More
If you're a small to medium sized business using Microsoft Word, it might be a good idea to stock up on the word processing program before a federal deadline that could see the software disappearing from shelves and no longer available loaded on new computers. It seems Microsoft is embroiled in a patent case which, unless resolved before a Jan. 11 deadline, could see the software no longer availa Read More
He had an experience of crash. Since his software was original, he could recover the data. A person buys the original software once he/ she understands how important the data base is for him and how massively it would affect his/ her business if it gets corrupted or crashed. Original software allows you to save lakhs of rupees in the long run.

If the software was not original, he could not hav Read More
Frank Klein of Relativity Business Technology Solutions talks in this video about what he calls "the technology gap and small business" when it comes to competing globally. But, in fact, Web 2.0, Frank's main focus in the video, has only improved the cost effectiveness of small business in the global market. Be sure to watch the rest of Frank's insights including the need to transform your busine Read More
The Money By Friday blog recommends this new idea to entrepreneurs seeking to start a technology recycling business without upfront investment. offers money for purchase of used technology, including small business technology, ranging from cell phones to laptops. You can turn your own technology and that of others into a positive cash flow and create a small business or part of an exi Read More
Learn more about why being listed in the 'local search' section of the search engines is so important for your small business, with tips on how to optimise. Read More

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