Google has posted an announcement on their blog saying that they will uncensor and review their business operations in China (probably pulling out). Read More
Here’s a selection of the articles I read on bizSugar last week and the thoughts on international business they inspired. Read More
According to a poll of 2000 medical industry professionals randomly surveyed January 4-7, 2010, more than half are looking at 2010 as the year to make a job change. The study posed the question: “What is the likelihood you will change jobs in 2010?” Read More
More than 45,000 businesses closed their doors for good in 2009 -- including some that survived for longer than a century. Here are 6 historic companies that vanished. Read More
I’ve outsourced a lot of technical projects – with varying degrees of success. Based on my experiences, I’ve come up with 10 frank pointers for hiring outside tech help successfully. Read More
We have been hearing a lot about mobile applications, Apple iPhone, iPhone apps, Google Android phones and a whole lot more of mobile application buzzwords in 2009. How will the mobile application industry develop in 2010 and how it can affect your business? Read More
A well organised usability test not only provides feedback from a user's perspective on the site's ease of use, but it also points to where improvements can be made. This blog contains details on how best to organise a usability test. Read More
How important is small business technology innovation to the economic recovery? It is crucial, says U.S. Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), chairwoman of the House Small Business Committee in these opening remarks for a hearing in early 2009 on funding for the Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR). At the beginning of 2010 nothing has changed and small business innovation remains key to the Read More
What does the king of search bring to Web browsing? Simplicity — and speed.. I use Chrome regularly as my browser of choice and like the fact that it gives you a warning if it detects any malware and is fast. This article gives you more reasons to use Google Chrome Read More
Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 7, is finally available for purchase and--amen--actually good enough to make even holdouts still clinging desperately to Windows XP want to upgrade after all these years. Debating taking the plunge? Here are 10 reasons why you'll inevitably want to earmark room for it in your IT budget. Read More

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