The past three years have shown how destructive these laws can be — seldomly yielding taxes, but always killing businesses. So far, out of over 20 states which have considered such legislation only 5 (NY, RI, NC, IL, CT) have enacted it; and every time it happened, merchant terminations of relation Read More
Content marketing is an essential part of SEO. Content marketing can help a brand or business establish themselves as an authority in their field, build a strong online reputation, increase brand recognition, connect with consumers, increase online presence and more. If your company isn’t producing Read More
Inbound marketing is a relatively new term that refers to marketing that is opt-in. Unlike outbound marketing, which consists of push techniques like TV, print, and radio advertising, public relations, direct mail, and telemarketing, inbound marketing is about joining the conversation that a prospe Read More
Recently we were asked to co-host a webinar with Blue Sky Factory on Mobile Email Marketing. Mobile is booming and the number of people using mobile to check their email is growing every day. In this webinar Amy Garland from Blue Sky Factory and our own Jon-Mikel Bailey talk about the following:
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Looking for a new way to impress your customers or subscribers? For free? Look no further than video email.

We all know online video is hot. However, for many of us "video-making newbies", the process of figuring out... Read More
In a recent Web Cast, I went over The 12 Things I Learned About Twitter where I reviewed the 12 points, and also added 8 more points. Here is the 20th point, #FF of Follow Friday. Read More
This article discusses some key considerations for developing a valuable brand from a legal perspective, including: selecting a protectable trademark, making sure the trademark is available, and registering and enforcing your trademark rights. Read More
In this article, no fluff ;-) A very straight forward way of looking at your business, and the difference that makes the difference, in whether or not your business will float or flop! Read More
Do you feel that the bad news about the economy is never ending? Do you think about how you can grow your business when all around you, people are
Whatever business you’re in you’re likely to be affected by Government austerity measures and a lack of confidence from your customers about their j Read More
Google +1 button has now been rolled out to web pages and blogs. You can now add this button on your site and get an unfair advantage over your competition in search results. Read More

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