Yesterday we released the newest version of the *forms Local Agent, the component that processes your *forms and holds all of your credentials for the various sites to which the agent posts your *forms data. Version 1.1.5 resolves a minor, but crippling bug in the user authentication mechanism that Read More
Cloud computing is being talked about a lot and it can be a tricky concept to understand. Perhaps the best way is through realising that most of us are using cloud computing every day and have been for some time. Read More
I'm sharing my real story. This is in short how I started outsourcing and what I am doing now. What works for me and what now. It's specific for vWorker, but can be used for most freelance marketplaces. Read More
So, what is the customer experience exactly? Well, in her post, Kerry describes it as ” how customers perceive their interactions with your company.” So, think about that for a minute. How do your customers REALLY perceive interactions with your company? Now, don’t just take your own word for it, w Read More
See a company’s info compared to its peer group. Every company profile features four graphs plus links to industry research reports. Read More
For a few, delegating comes easily, maybe too easy. For others who are perfectionists, letting go of even the most trivial task is almost impossible. If you are in this second category, you probably don’t like the references behind your back that you are a “control freak” or a “micro-manager.” Read More
Are you trying to reach affluent consumers with your advertising? And are you wishing you had the budget to advertise on TV? Well, you need not worry. According to a recent survey of affluent Internet users from The Affluence Collaborative, reported by eMarketer, TV is far from the best way to reac Read More
I firmly believe that companies have to keep a clear line of communication open between themselves and their SEO partner. Bringing in a third party to handle your SEO is a great idea if none of your current in-house employees have the background or the time to handle implementing an SEO plan. But t Read More
Many companies understand the importance of SEO, but just don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. So, they make the smart decision to start looking for an SEO company or consultant to assist them. When researching SEO options you may come across companies that specialize in SEO within Read More
It’s up to you to find the right balance between focusing in on a certain topic you want to tweet about and then jazzing up your twitter account a little by tweeting about other things that are interesting and fun. Why? Because so many people fall into a rut with Twitter by constantly tweeting abou Read More

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