A recent seminar I attended gave a fantastic insight into the changes happening in online commerce, or Multi-Channel Commerce, brought about by new channels. Called Shift Happens and organised by WorldNetTPS. It featured some thought-provoking presentations from people at the coal-face... Read More
I don’t have an iPad or an iPhone as yet, despite being offered a free one by various spammers, but I was delighted to find out from my Social Media friend Gemma Thompson that this blog is now featured in iPad’s Zite magazine. Read More
The negative buzz surrounding LinkedIn's recent IPO shouldn't scare small business owners away from utilizing social media. There is a difference between a social media bubble and the actual communication tools that social media websites provide. Read More
Facebook is important. Twitter is important. LinkedIn is important. It’s also important not to put all of your eggs in one social media basket, which is why you need to identify a few really good ways to use a few different channels. Here are some ideas to get you started. Read More
Small businesses and entrepreneurs in the U.S. can access several resources offered by the government including free consulting and other services. Read More
This is a great post talking about the good and bad with Loyalty, Incentive, cashback and adware sites. It also talks about how to work with them and add value to your company. Read More
The Entrepreneur Spotlight for June is on Radhika and Madhvi Khaitan, the ladies behind Workshop Q, an innovative “green” brand that has positioned itself as a pioneer in upcycling waste. Read More
Twitter makes it easier than ever for visitors to follow Twitter accounts without leaving websites or blogs.
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If you don’t know, you should know–especially if you’re a college student looking to buy a new computer–that Microsoft recently launched a promotion offering any student who purchases a Windows 7 PC priced $699 and up a free 4GB Xbox 360 S. The Windows Experience Blog says the deal is good from May Read More
Productivity seems to be a hot topic lately. So much can happen in a day, a week or a month to get us on or off track. Alignment of habits, attitudes and reinforcement is key to your productivity. Here's a deeper look... Read More

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