Google spells it out for website owners in their Webmaster Guidelines for SEO, “Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.” Regardless of what others may say regarding their motives, Google does not want to see website owners get taken advantage of by Read More
Links are an extremely important component of the overall structure of the web and play a large role in search engine ranking. After all, the search engine spiders crawl these links to understand the intent and purpose of a website. Therefore, it’s important to be connected to other websites that a Read More
Twitter's spinning the rumour mill again with whispers saying that they're planning to launch their own photo sharing service, much like Yfrog and Twitpic. A few publications have already confirmed this and have reported that the announcement will most likely be made at its conference D9 this week. Read More
Search engine round table reported that Google is indexing about 8 million of Bing image thumbnail results. This issue was first posted by loupiote in Google webmaster forum. Read More
Not every blog is created equal. While it’s easy enough to get caught up in simply writing daily topics for your blog it’s crucial not to forget about the key techniques you can implement before your blog is published. By putting in that little extra effort and not overlooking these key techniques Read More
Crowdsourcing articles is a great way to create highly engaging content for your audience, but it’s not for everyone. Read More
Capital for small businesses has been hard to come by for the past few years, and venture capital has been especially so. But now a particular kind of VC—venture capital from corporations—may be making a comeback.
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Can You See The Positives? That title makes no sense to you right?  You’re always told to look at the positive side of a bad situation. You’re told that Read More
A few notes on the recent goings ons with Zoho, their CRM, and how they make data available through their API system. A cautionary tale on selecting a CRM, and then committing to building internal web apps that utilize the API to run your business. Read More
“The devil in the details” is a quote that we have all heard, and clearly applies to startups, where success in the long run is all about execution. But for you as an entrepreneur trying to get started, the devil is really in your mind, where you must prevent drifting, and maintain that confidence, Read More

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