Linked in has quickly become the most powerful business networking tool on the market today. Millions of users lean on it to find leads, connect with colleagues and engage customers. Besides the basic functionality of the site there are some hidden gems that business owners can use expand their rea Read More
SEO is an essential marketing tool for any business even when they do PPC. SEO drives additional natural organic search traffic and it also helps optimal use of PPC. 3 important reasons. Read More
Maps are often placed on a company website to help customers find their way there. For that, Google Maps is excellent. But wouldn't it be nice to add your company logo, parking lots, train stations, etc. to the map, to help the customer even more? It is very simple, and in this article I am going t Read More
So Panda I rolled out Feb 24, 2011, and Panda II rolled out April 11...and Panda III...well, that could be any day now. Google says that they were targeting content farms but a few ecommerce sites were collateral damage. Read More
We’ve got this stigma in business that being number one is the only way to go. The problem with this theory is that there can only be one top dog, while there are hundreds of competitors. But guess what? Being number two ain’t bad either. Read More
In a survey of 501 small business owners by American Express OPEN, just 46% say they will take vacation in 2011. Read More
Communication skills training: The three laws of good communication.

• You may have heard of the Newton’s three laws of motion
• You may have heard of Asimov’s three laws of robotics
• You may have heard of the three laws of thermodynamics

Now, we present “the three laws of better communica Read More
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, a very successful blogger whose blog most of you know, read, and love. For the purposes of this post though, I’ll keep the mystery and won’t reveal her name. She asked me this question:

if I wanted to make say $1200 tomorrow, what would I do? Read More
Internet and social media marketing explained for small businesses and nonprofits, with "live" case studies so you see how it really works. Read More
The project team is more than the project manager and the team members. The responsibility for successful project delivery includes everyone from the business owner through to the sales group. Everyone plays a part in setting up a successful project. Read More

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