What is Empire Avenue to you?? A brilliant new Social Media CV or a game like Farmville?? Check this out and let me know what you think. Read More
Managing social media campaigns is an additional job for successful small businesses. Do you do it yourself? Hand it off to an employee? Hire help? Read More
With current network technology and cloud computing, you can inexpensively install a paperless office system and eliminate paperwork chaos. You'll immediately become more productive in your business. Read More
Did you know that Facebook is considered the most visited site on the Internet (Hitwise)? Not only that, but four of the top ten websites in 2010 were social media related sites. The use of social media for marketing is exploding in popularity, and has officially become a must-have for all business Read More
Making money online is a HOT topic. Is there a proven method to make streams of money online? Here are 5 truths you may want to hear before buying that 'guaranteed' methods! Read More
How can bloggers turn authors and how successful can this transition be? Let me begin by sharing two success stories of blogger-turns-author with you... Read More
Brand development should be considered from day one. Are you listening to your market and sculpting your brand to build trust and create loyalty. Read More
There is a better way to get prepared in tax time that not only causes less stress for you but less money that is due to your CPA. Here are some tax tips. Read More
Many people believe that once a website is done and launched, they can leave it alone and people will find it. However, like any step in a marketing plan, a business website requires on-going nurturing and updates to keep it fresh, current and competitive. Updates also remind the search engines tha Read More
Sometimes your dream client has needs and places orders before you finish the sales process. You can and you should take the order. But finish the sales process. Read More

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