In today's post John Jantsch covers the idea that smaller social networks might be the next layer to the whole networking game. Read More
Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are extremely effective fundraising tools for launching and growing a business. SmarterLiving compiled a list of crowdfunding platforms and initiatives that thrive off the shared community efforts of others, and the number of websites offering opportunities to the pub Read More
Interview With Ruchi Chopra Any Surprise Any Place an entrepreenur who set up a customized gift business Read More
Highland Spring, a British maker of bottled waters, has just launched Hydr8, a low-priced bottled water. Unlike high-priced international brands and Highland Spring’s other waters, Hydr8 will be distributed through “budget stores” and food-service wholesalers. Read More
There’s nothing unusual about how American Express recruits and hires customer service representatives. It posts jobs online, interviews applicants on the phone, then invites finalists for in-person interviews. Read More
There’s money to be made renting giant slides, merry-go-rounds, and moonbounces. In case you don’t know what a moonbounce is, it’s an inflatable mesh-sided room in which kids can jump up and down. According to an article on, moonbounces rent for between $85 and $350 a day, and gian Read More
Who's in the race to become the top social media management and CRM tool? Meet the players and learn what's at stake. Read More
SlideShare is a great online resource for sharing presentations. If you are lucky enough to get listed on the featured section of SlideShare, you can see a spike in traffic and hopefully sales leads. Here's a story on how I managed to get on the featured section of SlideShare. Read More
(This is a guest post from The Franchise King®, Joel Libava.) This is one of the most important things that you need to know about yourself, as you start exploring the idea of buying a franchise business. Over the years, have you been a , "I'm ok with almost all... Read More
That's right; infinite power. How would you like to get in business with a super-reliable partner that's guaranteed to outlive you? Don't worry; I'm not going to get all religious with you. As a matter of fact, I'm going to... Read More

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