There are a lot of things that a person needs to do in order to become successful in online marketing. One of these is writing online, and you need to know a few things in order to be able to write and sell your products effectively. Read More
Are you praying for big name advertisers to show up to make money on your new blog? It’s not going to happen.

It’s a nice fantasy to think that your niche-targeted blog can attract advertising from Fortune 500 companies. Big companies seem to be your “dream advertisers”. They spend hundreds of m Read More
Facebook: How Much is an Idea Worth? I finally got the chance to see The Social Network and enjoyed it immensely. It does a superb job of capturing both the entrepreneurial spirit and excitement of taking an idea and turning it into a real company. More importantly it shows the relentless focus and Read More
Hilarious video on how not to talk to potential investors. There's a right way and a wrong way to talk to prospective backers. This is an all too common example of how rookie entrepreneurs sound to investors. Read More
Raising Venture & Angel Capital and Distance One of the amusing (and sometimes exasperating) things that you notice as you get older is that people keep "discovering" the same obvious points year after year, and when they do they act like Christopher Columbus spotting land in the West Indies in 149 Read More
capital campaigns: Before getting serious about any large scale capital project, be sure all your organizational and financial ducks are standing firmly in a row. Written by Sumac Research. Read More
To cure writer's block this new video offers you the same techniques I use myself when writing my books and blog.

One of my coaching community members recently asked how to overcome her "analysis paralysis" procrastination to write faster and better.

Watch it to learn h Read More
I was listening to a web-conference today, one of the speakers discussed the importance of collaboration in sales, citing the higher use of web conferencing, Read More
Debt Collection. Not a nice job but a necessity to keep your business going. In these hard times it’s a task that seems to be more prevalent to businesses everywhere. Many years ago in my first ever job I did quite a bit of debt collection and have done since then on and off – quite successfully. Read More
Working from home has many benefits for small business owners, but it also has several drawbacks. It can be isolating, can lead to laziness, a lack of discipline and may not be the most professional environment in which to meet people. And it requires cleaning up (try to get a coffee stain out of Read More

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