True to Google’s goal in providing the most relevant results, it has now improved its location information. Location is one factor that has played an important role in customizing the information that the searcher finds. Read More
I Knowledge Factory Pvt Ltd provides Domain Registration, Design services like website Design, Corporate Branding and Multimidia Solution. Webhosting, Server and Networking related services are also provided by IKF. The Tips & Techniques of Web Designing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Op Read More
Come up with idea - check. Start business - check. Develop website - check. Sit back and watch the dollars roll in ... um!

One principle that never changes ... what you plant you grow. The seeds you are planting in your business today are the fruits of your business in future. Read More
By Rieva Lesonsky The Small Business Administration (SBA), whose fiscal year ended September 30, reports some surprising news: Despite a tough economy, the number of SBA loans rose by some 30 percent in 2010.

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Crowdsourcing outsources tasks traditionally performed by your staff or a contractor to a community or crowd of people through an open call. Small businesses are finding they can use crowdsourcing to cut the costs of projects significantly, gain greater insight into public opinion about their produ Read More
How Violight adapted its toothbrush sanitizer into a cleaning product for cell phones. For six years, Violight, a $9 million company based in Yonkers, New York, has made products that zap germs off of toothbrushes with ultraviolet light. Read More
Email says a lot about you as a person and as a professional. Because email is written communication, it can reveal your level of intelligence by your ability to articulate your thoughts, your education by your ability to construct a grammatically correct sentence, and your diligence by how many ty Read More
The common tools to hear back from your readers or site users are: a poll, a quiz and a survey. This post briefly looks at the three tools and the benefits of using them. Read More
Social media marketing is really effective instrument for marketing your products. There's no extra option marketing scheme for social media marketing. Therefore social media marketing is essential for whatsoever online business. Social media marketing requires a different approach when compared to ... Read More
There are tons of small business blogs and news websites out there, but you don’t have tons of free time on your hands. You want an information source that is current, regularly updated, and not filled with spam. Here are 20 small business websites that I regularly visit. Read More

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