Online marketing can be very effective. The important thing to remember is that content is always king and great content takes time to build a following behind it. The higher quality the content, the better chance your online marketing will have to continuously succeed. Read More
The insurance that may have been adequate for you as a young adult is most likely not going to be sufficient to meet your needs as mature adult. Read More
Jun Loayza, chief marketing officer of Viralogy Inc., on the idea of multitasking:
“I used to be of the philosophy that an entrepreneur can do multiple projects at once. I’ve switched now and I really, truly believe that it has to be focused on one project, in order to have that laser like focus… Read More
Entrepreneurs need to think long and hard about what success means to them. Starting a business is a lot of hard work and if that business does not add fulfillment to your life, you shouldn't be building it. This article is a response to Leo Babauta's critism of striving for success. Read More
The world is filled with all sorts of people, and if you’re in business, you will encounter many types of customers. Some are easy to please and a pleasure to do business, but others may be very difficult to please and difficult to treat. If your business is a business online, then communicate with Read More
Google moves sometimes with the speed of a turtle and other times well ahead of the pack, and the latest addition to the search results page is both quite surprising and interesting, eh!

Go to (note, .ca only…as I can not get this to display on!!!) and then enter a search te Read More
Every investor is looking for the “dream team” of executives to put his money on. Often I find that experienced investors flip to the management page of a business plan, even before they read the product description. That’s how important the people are. What are investors looking for in the CEO and Read More
As a business owner you always want to have a good idea of what is coming, not only in your industry but in other things that could impact how you work on a day to day level and how your business performs. An example of this would be the use of social media, many people thought this was a trend and Read More
The passage of health care reform several months ago came with promises that some almost immediate changes would be coming. While a number of the biggest changes will wait until 2014, there are nevertheless changes just recently gone into effect that will affect you now. Read More
If you have a paragraph that looks good, there is a better chance that it will be read. Think about it. How many times have you looked at a document and groaned? The A4 page is one long paragraph.
Where do you start? What's the point of it? You start reading and by the third sentence, you’re bored Read More

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