3 Tips to help you choose a Content Management System (CMS). It must handle their content and functionality demands, and still be easy to use. Read More
Subscribe to Comments is a plugin that allows commenters on your blog to check a box before commenting and get e-mail notification of further comments. Read More

Do you really know the elements that bring life to a business? Elements that make a business become successful? In case you don’t know read on and you will get to know the five elements that brings life to a business.
Before I proceed, let me take you guys back to the days of mortal combat, I gu Read More
Because of our style of glance-reading, bulleted lists are very popular. They help emphasise a point and allow the readers to take information in quickly.

However, they are often over-used and incongruent. This article provides three pieces of advice to writing successful bullets. Read More
In today’s business startup environment, if you don’t move fast, you get run over. Without a sense of urgency, people and businesses just can’t move fast enough. Speed is the driver because customers have a zero tolerance for waiting, and there are always competitors gaining on you.

Read More
Interview with Sam Silverstein, author, business expert, and entrepreneur, on becoming a professional speaker, landing paid speaking gigs, and more. Read More
Why not turn wasted time into productive time? 3 things you can do on your drive to work that can increase sale. Read More
Social Media Marketing is a type of internet marketing which directs to accomplish branding and marketing destinations through engagement in several social media networks like Orkut, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Hi5 etc. Social Media includes sites where news, photos and videos are user-gen... Read More
It seems like every time I turn around, some advertiser with the Next Big Thing website is clamoring for my marketing money.

As a small business, I don’t have a lot of money to throw around. It turns out that about 80% of marketing expenses are wasted. Wasted! Read More
Email marketing buyers can be steered toward unfortunate trade offs in implementing their campaigns in order to “fit” the pricing and limitations offered by their email marketing vendor. Understanding the limitations of your email marketing solution in advance of vendor selection can prevent unnec Read More

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