Once just the domain of downloadable tax forms and a prime candidate for a Plain Language overhaul, the IRS.gov web site has undergone a low-key, yet shout-out worthy, transformation in recent years – and this is good news for small business. Here’s a summary of some the most invaluable online tools and resources that IRS.gov has to offer small businesses Read More
Clients often use your product or results of your service in ways that you or your company may not be aware of. Here is a way to capture these innovations and use them to help you grow your sales Read More
Getting hung up on is one of the most frustrating things sales people face. I’ll admit, it doesn’t hurt my feelings… unfortunately, it makes me angry! Over the years, I’ve learned to channel that frustration. Here are five techniques to use on prospects who hang up on you.. Read More
Sales people know that questions are the key to success, but they often fail to ask the hard the question that can really make he difference, both for the buyer and for them vs. their competitors. The sad part is that these limitations are self imposed, rather than forced on them by the market or the buyers Read More
If you are getting too many “no” answers, part of it may be your approach. If the prospect buys what you sell and isn’t disqualified for some other reason, then you have to go for yes. Going for yes means learning to create value on every call, learning to differentiate your offering, and learning not to accept the Test No Read More
Location-based Internet marketing is one of the hottest trends at the moment and can be used very effectively by both small and larger businesses

Local or Geo-Targeted SEO is the simple process of informing the search engines to index your web site by your geographic location Read More
A vast number of business owners who make a decision to run their own SEO marketing have limited experience in SEO and often turn to the internet for guidance Read More
Excellent checklist to help you optimize your website SEO, in order to rank higher in Google. Includes links to Google SEO Report Card, as well as guidelines. You also have a link to a blog by Matt Cutts, who writes a very informative blog regarding onsite SEO. Ranking in the top spots of Google can mean the difference between a so-so business and a business turning a real profit Read More
Discover the role of Logo Design in Branding Success. When we talk of branding then all the business strategies have to strike a balance amongst them. Same is the case when designing a company logo. It is an art and must be designed as per the nature and your industry and target audience Read More
Stress is now considered one of the biggest issues facing us in today’s modern and fast paced world. It’s a topic we are all well aware of. Stress related and psychosomatic illnesses are on the increase. The majority of people asked will admit to feeling pressured and stressed, either from work or home. So how does Stress make us feel?

This article takes a look at some of the simple changes you can make in your life today to achieve a more stress free tomorrow Read More

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