Retail and eCommerce principles are in practice not only in the e-retail industry but in many industries. While the NRF and serve the retail industry, smart marketers from many different industries glean knowledge from these conferences and apply it within their own industry to improve engagement and sales. The principles of eCommerce and direct digital marketing are in many ways industr Read More
Many businesses don't think about reputation management until a crisis has actually occurred. Waiting until your business is swamped with negative buzz puts your brand is serious trouble. Read More
There are three simple but very powerful ways you can make sure your website is found by people that are looking for your products and services. Read More
As recent as ten years ago, terms like, “renewable,” “fair trade,” and “sustainability” were considered the vocabulary of the fringe. These words were uttered mostly by those some referred to as “tree huggers” and “granolas,” and “real” entrepreneurs were more concerned with making some cold hard cash than with making a difference. That’s not to say business was completely self-centered... Read More
We’ve all heard the bleak statistics about startup failures. In fact, according to a recent study by the SBA, a mere 44% of new business startups can expect to still be doing business just four years later. If you’re not strong of heart, these numbers alone could be enough to make you want to throw in the towel before you even begin. Don’t give up just yet though. Read More
Steve Garfield author of RISE's must read books for entrepreneurs Get Seen with tips and tricks for getting started with video. Steve also points out the benefits of casual video for business. Read More
rule of thumbMost small business owners and entrepreneurs find themselves overwhelmed with duties ranging from janitor to Chief Executive Officer. With so many duties to perform, small business owners do not have the time to study reams of financial reports in order to effectively manage their business. What I have learned through the years is that I can manage a lot more efficiently and effectiv Read More
The idea of differentiation and standing out in whatever industry you are in is such an important concept that I take the opportunity to write about it frequently. The key is to find something that makes it very easy for people to see you’re doing something different from everyone else in your industry. It can take some guts to reach out and be different, but that’s the point. Read More
Knowledge sharing is the core of social media and the basis of how we interact with one another in a community. And that act of sharing is often perceived as a form of engagement and spreading valuable information to your fellow peers. Read More
Some of the greatest entrepreneurial ventures start out as a result of people no longer working in their initial field (needing a fresh start), or unemployed professionals with an idea. Today’s featured entrepreneur is, let’s say, totally chill in Southern California and freezing out the competition by capitalizing on small business social media efforts. Read More

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