Are you confused? Can social media drive motivated customers to your door? Can it actually generate repeatable ROI? If your company, large or small is considering social marketing here's a "no bull" way to evaluate the time, people & money investment - and the real world returns. Read More
Time management skill: Finding the high value task

Here is a time management question for you: What is "A high value task?"

Whenever we are trying to improve our time management we must answer this question.

What is the most valuable use of my time?

Notice the key word in that sentence is VALUABLE.
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An explanation of how to value a small business. It describes several approaches to business valuation and describes the pitfalls of each. Read More
It’s a well known fact that journalists have some sort of a love-hate relationship with media relations and communication professionals, generally speaking. Why they hate people PR practitioners is nothing short of a long list of reasons to be so. The alarming number of sub-par public relations ‘professionals’ who are devoted to delivering bad pitching practices and the annoyingly persistent publ Read More
Learn number of crucial elements in email marketing that you may wish to consider if you were to start an online marketing business. Read More
Two of the keys for marketing success is to keep your key customers happy and the way you give customer service. This is obvious, however many of you are missing a simple opportunity and you may not realize it. It all has to do with customer complaints and how you manage the experience with your customers. Read More
We cannot keep deferring to the apparent authenticity of others to guide our own lives. We have to build our own. Read More
In order to communicate effectively with our target market, we need to know them. Too often we make marketing decisions based on what's important to us rather than what's important to our customers. Read More
I’m continually amazed at how many B2B sales folks are not yet making social media a serious part of their sales process. Half of those people are apprehensive about trying something new and the other half believe it will be a big waste of time.

My hope is that following these 10 simple principles will get you over both of these hurdles. Read More
Greeting card marketing is a practical and effective way to strengthen your relationship with your customers. Sending them cards during special occasions is a great way of showing that you care and that you are not only after their money. Learn how to market your business with greeting cards by following these tips: Read More

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