If you haven’t jumped on the social media marketing (SMM) bandwagon as part of your brand-building strategy because you think it’s just a fad with no real bottom-line benefit, think again. SMM is a vital addition to any PR campaign. It can lead to more customers and higher sales — the exact payoff every business needs. Read More
In a public speaking role, your goal is to deliver a specific message and make it stick with the audience. But in an effort to save on travel costs, more businesses are shunning in-person events for webinars — live presentations delivered over the Internet. So how do you catch and keep listeners’ attention? Read More
Web 2.0 online marketing and social media/networking are all the rage! As this topic is very hot, this article provides an overview and is the first in a series of articles on the subject. Don’t be left behind! Don’t miss this or future posts. Read More
When devising a business development strategy, one of the most valuable things you can do as a business owner is make your employees feel like they have a stake in the company. Creating a sense of ownership among employees helps ensure an organization runs more efficiently and less expensively, which drives results. Read More
Maybe you’ve heard of cloud computing. Maybe you already use it. For people that don’t know, cloud computing is, ultimately, a way for businesses to utilize IT resources without costs and responsibilities of physical infrastructure. Read More
When you're running a small business, it may seem like deciding between cash and accrual accounting is just one more thing on the long list of things you need to get done. But the fact of the matter is the decision on which accounting method you're going to use makes a difference in something as simple as how you do your taxes and can have long-lasting effects beyond the end of the year. Read More
You probably have a personal email address. You probably have another one for work. You may even have a couple of others - maybe you're responsible for handling a company-wide email address, or perhaps you have one you only use for online shopping. Having to switch between each of these addresses to handle your email each day can take up a lot of time. Luckily, with Gmail, you can bring all your Read More
The Internet and social media makes is possible to shatter a very good brand with the speed of light. In seconds, thousands people can know when one of your customers is unhappy! What can you do to monitor and protect your brand? Read More
The legal structure that you choose for your new company (NewCo) has important consequences in terms of liability protection, double taxation, funding as well as other things. This article is a primer on the subject. Read More
What percentage of American businesses are classified as “Small Business”? You may be amazed! What percentage of innovations are patented by Small Business. Truly America runs on small business. What have we done for small business lately? Read More

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