Direct mail and email marketing have gotten a bad rap for many years. But, when the email marketing is executed properly, the results can be fantastic. That is the sort of email marketing that Winton Churchill talks about in this book. It's not just a simple email being sent from time to time, but it is an email system that gets definite and posit Read More
Ever increasing gasoline prices, food costs soaring, struggling financial markets. The economic news just hasn't been good, and there's no indication that things are going to get better any time soon. But, do tough economic times spell only gloom and doom? Are there opportunities to be had even in the darkest days of a recession? Read More
Pre-empting an objection means that you bring an objection that you expect to hear early in the sales call and then deal with the objection so it cannot be brought up again. Make sure to answer any common questions and concerns before the client can ask. By pre-empting objections before the client can raise them, you decrease resistance. Read More
Know your audience. Tailor your presentation to your prospective customers. To do that, consider what they are likely to need from you. Use terminology they'll understand and make sure you are familiar with their business jargon. That will help you to establish common ground with them. Read More
Maintaining a healthy sales pipeline is the key to consistent and predictable sales performance. Everybody feels better when there are enough qualified opportunities "in the works" to forecast strong sales in the future. The best way to ensure an increase in future revenue is to focus on building your sales pipeline today. Read More
What do leaders need to know about intellectual property strategy? The potential of IP, the opportunity cost of IP, and the true meaning of using IP strategically. Read More
Our children probably won't need to have any computer skills. Of course THIS franchise company disagrees... Read More
If you are ready for a powerful transformation in your life, Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders for Inspiration and Encouragement is a book you must read. Transformation Leadership is a shift towards leading with a vision, while building synergy with a higher purpose. Hugh B Read More
This is a short article that discusses the advantages of one-on-one computer training. Most companies spend money sending employees to take publicly scheduled computer training courses thinking longer is better when in fact the opposite is true. Private one-on-one training can be more effective and cost efficient. Read More
With all the focus in the last several years on corporate scandals, are there any CEO's who can teach us something? There are, and their stories are included in What the Best CEO's Know by Jeffrey Kramer. We cannot deny that there have been an unusual number of corporations who find themselves on the wrong side of the legal system, but that is not Read More

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