Nothing stays the same forever. the stock market won't either. get into a business of your own...just be careful. Joel Libava, Cleveland area Franchise consultant, blogger, and marketer explains. Read More
The figures show that during hard times (this past six months) the large companies are cutting jobs left and right, while small businesses (less than 50 employees) keep expanding and producing jobs. Read More
Google just wants to have fun—despite the economic downturn. The beta version of Adsense for Games is now available for the integration of video ads into online social games. The opportunities of reaching more customers and placing relevant ads to reach the right audiences are expanding to this new medium. Read More
The goal of an SEO campaign is to achieve high rankings for keywords that will expose the site to its target market and help create new business. However, some web sites are easier for an SEO to work with than others. I've listed some scenarios that may have you scratching your head as how to best proceed. If you've ever had a client fall into t Read More
Before you start reading this, take a quick look at something very important: your own blog. What do you see when you glance at the Categories list? If you're anything like most bloggers, it will include categories which: * You used a couple of years ago but don't use any more * Have only one or two posts in * Have names that aren Read More
Before you start reading this, take a quick look at something very important: your own blog. What do you see when you glance at the Categories list? If you're anything like most bloggers, it will include categories which: * You used a couple of years ago but don't use any more * Have only one or two posts in * Have names that aren Read More
The latest BizBooks, hosted by Slate's BizBox, will take place this Thursday with Scott Cooney--author of Build a Green Small Business--taking questions on how to build a company that is both eco-friendly and profitable. Submit questions now! Read More
Want to know how the stock market affects everyone, including small business owners like you? Economist Mike Donnelly says "You could have placed your 401k in a passbook savings account and done better [over the past 10.5 years]." Read More
If you are in the business of optimizing web pages and promoting web sites in search engines, in all likelihood, you've never personally experienced the product or service you're paid to market. Read More

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