Here's a checklist you can use to make sure your employee survey efforts are successful. Read More
Thinking about conducting your first employee survey? Here are some tips to help make your effort successful. Read More
What is an ideal time to conduct a survey? The question of timing is an important one when considering when to gather feedback from your employees and/or customers. In this issue of the Critical Metrics Update, we answer this question by highlighting both good and bad times for conducting employee and customer surveys. Read More
The following tutorial is designed to give you an overview of various approaches to survey benchmarking. Read More
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming more prevalent in our global economy. The other night, a TV commercial informed viewers that a car company is operating a manufacturing plant that has achieved zero landfill status - nothing from its manufacturing efforts goes into a landfill. Going carbon-neutral is also gaining a lot of press. Se Read More
In just a few short months news stories shifted from “if there's a recession” to “when there's a recession”. Given the events in the US housing and credit markets and the global financial markets, it is pretty clear that we are headed for the dreaded “R” word. To help prepare your business (whether large or small) there are a few steps you can tak Read More
Almost anyone can pull together a web-based survey using free or almost free survey tools available on the Internet. In fact, these do-it-yourself tools can help you save money and time by making use of resources already developed by professionals. However, as some of you might know from getting involved with some other do-it-yourself activities, Read More
You might wonder what do Tic Tacs and employee surveys have in common? Well, I'm sure you will agree that Tic Tacs taste better than surveys, are easier to fit in your pocket and don't cost as much, however, they do have one thing in common. Read More
IKEA promotes its new campaign dubbed 'Come into the Closet' by welcoming users into their website which looks like a video but functions as an online catalogue at the same time. The site is Once in, you find yourself in a sort of open stage scenario displaying a repertoire of Ikea closet items together with sur Read More
The word Discipline has many definitions, this post shows Shane's view of it. Read More

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