This the roundup blog article of this week which is about cloud based business intelligence apps and benefits of these products. Read More
Search engine optimization, like any other marketing strategy (online or off) needs to be planned for. SEO can be quite an undertaking if you do it properly. It takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to execute a worthwhile campaign. If you are going to invest in SEO, the first step is to have Read More
Contrary to what most of you might guess, the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity over the last few years is not Gen-Y young upstarts, but Baby Boomers in the 55-64 year age group. In fact, according to a study by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, these Boomers are actually driving a new e Read More
White hat, black hat, consultants, experts, in-house, outsource, full-service, part-time—there are plenty of ways to go about your SEO campaign. But sometimes the best thing to do ISN’T to bring in a third party SEO vendor; it’s to invest in your own knowledge with a little SEO training. Read More
Franchising is an often un-thought of opportunity for people who want to venture into business for themselves. Starting a business by purchasing a franchise often proves easier than starting a business from scratch. This is simply because when you buy a franchise, you will be getting into a busine Read More
Very short post this am….as I’ve loaded the car and we’re heading north in a few minutes…but wanted to share the following with you all…

First, that our local Spectator gave us, Snappay a short notice in a recent Business section of the paper…and I wanted to both thank the paper as well as show Read More
Ironman can teach us more than the raw strength some incredible people have. It can also deliver valuable lessons to businesses about how to compete and operate better. Read More
Small business owners can save significant money and achieve flexibility by utilizing virtual office instead of owning one or signing long-term lease. Read More
Have you added video to your marketing strategy? Video is one of the most effective ways to send out a particular message across the Internet. A short video has the ability to encapsulate all of the information a business... Read More
Search Engines always like to give higher priority to websites which has lots of unique content and are updated on regular basis. No doubt sites like Mashable, Lifehacker or Problogger are pretty well optimized to rank higher in search engines Read More

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