There are certain types of businesses I know I am supposed to work with. We share similar passions and values, but we also have much to teach each other. We both believe we are on this planet to make a difference, and invest in what is good and right.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve learned a lot Read More
Ever wondered who is behind jQuery? Are you looking for jQuery geek to follow on Twitter? check out this extensive list. It includes jQuery team members, project contributors, book authors, bloggers, speakers, entrepreneurs, web developers and designers. Read More
Check out this week’s Friday Small Business Roundup for tips and ideas to help grow your business, such as improving your email marketing and planning your social media strategy. Read More
ROCKET MEDIA is an Internet marketing and creative services firm providing web design, search marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and creative design services. Read More
Poor UX will thwart your efforts to convert inbound web leads. Read this - your visitors (and bottom line!) will thank you. Read More
How do you make a book interesting for kids? If you are planning to write a book for kids then you have to know that your competitors are video games and televisions. How do you make kids want to read your book. I hope this article can help. Read More
If you are an author, you know that you need to hire a publicist. How do you choose one? How can you make sure that you are making the right move? Here are some suggestions that you can use. Enjoy! Read More
If someone is late about 70% of the time, and you expect them to be on time, that’s a rather foolish prediction, isn’t it? They may be on time, but they probably won’t be.
What many people will do is get angry with the friend who’s frequently late. Does this usually change that person’s behavior? Read More
All the attention social media gets in the marketing world might be convincing you that email is dead. Far from it. Email marketing volume hit record-setting levels during June 2012, and total email volume growth for this year is expected to surpass that of 2011, according to a study by email mark Read More
According to the Social Skinny, as of May 2012, only 53% of today’s small businesses are using social media. Of those that are using social media, only 19% use Facebook and a meager 4% use Twitter. I was shocked that even today, the numbers are that small. If your small business isn’t on social med Read More

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