Wouldn't it be great if you could test if your small business idea was profitable before you invested your time and money into it?

I think so. Thankfully, you can test your business idea. Here are 5 ideas to test your small business idea. Read More
The question of what happened to Quiznos is a very popular one outside of the franchise industry. Inside the industry; not so much. Read why...and see who's now the new boss at Quiznos. Read More
Struggling to get approved for google adsense ? Here are some nice tips to approve your google adsense using your blog perfectly. Advice’s to New Bloggers A lot of people are entering the blogosphere everyday, which is a good sign of growth of professional blogging. Blogosphere is big enough to acc Read More
After interviewing Romy Singh , i got a chance to interview Sumoni Guptha . He was well known for tech niche bloggers and he is running a successful web services company . Read More
If your first startup fails, you are about average. Most entrepreneurs fail on at least one attempt. Investors agree that an entrepreneur who has never failed probably hasn’t pushed the limits. What investors look for is not that you never fail, but that you learn from the failure, maintain a posit Read More
It is the goal of nearly every blogger out there to improve his or her blog. Everyone wants more traffic, more readers, more customers, and to make more money. However, this goal is often easier said than done. There are Read More
I have a morning routine that I’ve refused to stray from in years. At 7 a.m. every morning I brew a cup of strong coffee, grab a blueberry bagel with cream cheese, and start perusing through new and interesting blog Read More
Learn social media tips to make your Internet marketing a success. Write and say something when you share a link, story or post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networking sites. Read More
On the outside looking in, you may see YouTube as a showcase full of video clips fit for America’s Funniest Home Videos. While that sort of content is definitely available, this video sharing phenomenon has so much more to offer. YouTube is a powerful tool, but getting started can be understandably Read More
Going through a divorce is tough enough as an individual, but when you're a business owner, a divorce can be even tougher. Here are some tips to help you out. Read More

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