For me the jury is still out when it comes to Pinterest. I have started pinning on a couple of boards, but really don’t understand how this is going to directly drive customers to my business.

To be completely honest, I haven’t taken the time to study the platform and develop any strategies that Read More
If you want your prospects to buy, cut chatting to a minimum and ask questions at the beginning of your sales call. That strategy is recommended by sales trainer Sean McPheat, who recommends asking “questions that will make your customer think about their business.”
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Do you write sales copies? There are three main components to write a converting sales page. Let’s see what they are… Read More
It's important to track your performance on social media and with all of the tools on the market it can be hard to choose. Read More
By Caron Beesley. Do you know your business credit score? Feel unnerved about relying on your personal credit score for business transactions? As a business owner, taking steps to separate your personal and business finances is a smart strategy. Obviously, this means implementing a strategy to buil Read More
You don’t find time for blogging and social media… You make time… Because it brings you closer to your clients. Which in turn means stronger relationships, deeper trust and ultimately more business. Read More
Read this article to know most common 50 blogging mistakes you should avoid to be an successful blogger . . . Read More
"Want to be recognized as the best SEO, 2012?" The inaugural small business SEO competition 2012 is the ultimate opportunity to prove that you really are the best at creating SEO content. Read More
Emails are a powerful means to reach your audience. There are different ways to build an email list. Creation of quality email list through content is a great option. Read More
LG has announced its Newest Dual SIM Competitor-LG Optimus L3 E405 yesterday. It will be launched in the month of July this year. Read More

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