There’s only one way to find out if your competitors are good or not; you’re going to have to ask the people on the firing line-the franchisees of the concept you’re interested in. It’s not really that hard to do; you just need to have the right mindset going in. Read More
I'm constantly amazed by the misrepresentations, lies, and trickery sales people use to reach a customer--either to get a customer to answer the phone or to Read More
As you may read from my earlier posts, the cornerstone of Lean thinking is about value. Every step, every activity is about creating value. Steps and activities that don't create value are waste. Waste detracts from value--it creates cost--for our customers, our companies, ourselves. Read More
Strategic account programs can be very powerful, but make sure they are really strategic in the eyes of the customer. There is nothing wrong with having large customers who give us a lot of money who are not strategic. Read More
As many of you know since we have completed our custom theme we have had some issues with the front page feature slider loading times. We have no Read More
Want to collect Facebook Likes on an iPad? OnSpot Social is an iPad app designed to let business owners collect Facebook Likes on an iPad in-store. Read More
If you are involved in social media, chances are that you have heard of content curation. The phrase has amassed a huge amount of publicity, as well as strong advocates and ennemies. The latter often contend that curation violates copyright laws and provides curators with an unethical way to draw a Read More
The unfortunate truth is you, me and the Million other people with Marketing blogs can’t all be unique Internet snowflakes descending to Online super-stardom. Read More
At some point in their life, hopefully everyone strives to be the best in their chosen profession. Most people think that being the best requires more intelligence, more training, and more experience. In reality, in business or even in sports, the evidence is conclusive that it is as much about how Read More
This week's top content for B2B and small business: Tons on B2B: marketing, blogging, social media, advertising. Also: idea generation, cutlure, recognition. Read More

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