the 7 below are the mobile apps that I use day in and day out and they turn my smartphone into a virtual office, letting me do almost everything I can do from my office. Read More
It's vital to close deals in business, however the closing process can be made a whole lot easier by qualifying your client early and well to ensure the closing process is the last thing to be thought about. There is too much emphasis in the sales process on the closing sale, remember qualification Read More
Home based businesses provide genuine opportunities to make money online in 2012. Marketing or selling through an eCommerce store, online shopping cart, blog or website brings great opportunity, as you'll see in my list of inspirational business successes later in the article. Read More
With the announcement that Facebook (FB) are launching an app store, it has become vividly apparent, in my opinion, that they are the personification of guerrilla capitalism in the ‘social’ sphere. Unfortunately though their revenue suggests that they are are failing at it. Read More
Asking the qualifying questions needs to overlook the importance of closing a sale. The generic sales process promotes the close but avoid it at all costs. Read More
I was lucky enough to get the opportunity of test driving the Coming Soon Pro plugin from SeedProd, in this review I give you the full low down.

Enjoy. Read More
There are many benefits to being a part of your local Chamber of Commerce, but did you know that it is also a source of free publicity? Read More
Airtime, the newest brainchild of Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, was successfully launched on June 5, 2012. This is one social media channel that reporters and netizens have been waiting for. Read More
As a business owner your time is precious.

You probably have multiple requests from people that are pulling you in many directions.

But, if you say yes to every invitation that comes your way, you will not have time for the activities that are critical to growing your business. Read More
For all those of you who thought setting up a business and building an empire was impossible or beyond your reach, this post will teach you how to build a business empire with your skills. Being someone who is interested in creative skills, I often use YouTube to learn stuff and that is where I cam Read More

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