Though blogging is definitely no “Popularity Contest” by the words of famous blogger Park Howell, you will still need to put some decent limelight in order to promote your blog and take things to a higher level. Read More
Presumably most of us agree that it's important for a company to have a language strategy? Some argue, however, that it goes against human rights. Read More
10 Easy steps to promote your blog, starts frm writing high quality content to communication with other bloggers and making relations Read More
Almost everybody throughout social network knows about websites although not most can create websites successfully. Sites provide an potential for individuals who wants to share their own encounters, knowledge and concepts on the web. Read More
Many business blogs become lost in the web without any traces. Here are 6 ways to help you prevent your business blog from becoming a needle in the haystack.

A great article by our regular author, Mariam Noronha of Read More
File backup and storage is becoming a main priority among those who utilize computers; both business owners and personal PC owners. Read More
The new EU directive that is now law in the UK will make more than 90% of websites served to EU citizens illegal. Read More
If you’ve ever wondered how much it costs to make a website for your small business, you might be surprised at the answer. Learn what you absolutely must have and some neat extras too. Read More
Startups and entrepreneurs are drowning in the information overload, where the volume of data created is like a new Library of Congress every 15 minutes. That creates a huge gap between data and meaning, and makes quick decisions and action ever more difficult. We all need to take a little more tim Read More
Based on the Brandz Top 100 Global Brands list just released, I believe there are at least 7 key questions everyone running a brand needs to ask and answer to help ensure success for their brand. In this posting I look at the major findings, some key success factors and identify the 7 questions you Read More

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